How to Detect Cancer Early and Early Signs of Cancer Symptoms

 Cancer is second main cause of deaths after heart disease in all over the world. But it can be treatable if detected at early stage. There is difference between signs and symptoms. A sign can be noticed by others such as fever, vomiting, fast breathing, etc. whereas symptom can be felt by the person who has any problem such as weakness, pain, fatigue, etc. You can experience both and this can be an indication that you have some problem in your body because many types of signs & symptoms occur due to cancer and sometimes illness, benign tumors, injury or other problems become the reason for developing cancer. If you find any kind of symptom in you and that doesn’t get better after few weeks then you must consult the Cancer Specialist in Chandigarh so that doctor may diagnose the actual problem in you and treat it at early stage.

As the cancer start spreading, it starts showing different types of signs and symptoms in your body. It starts pushing on nearby organs, nerves and blood vessels that you can notice in different parts of your body.

Most Common Signs and Symptoms: - Although different persons can have different symptoms yet most common signs and symptoms are mentioned below: -

1)      Weight Loss: - When you find weight loss in you without any known reason, it can be the first symptom of cancer. People who are suffering from stomach, esophageal, pancreatic, or lung cancer may experience weight loss problems most often but it can happen with any type of cancer.

2)      Fever: - Although fever is a very common problem yet if it accompanies by night sweats and may last long and doesn’t get better even after taking proper treatment then it can be the cause of cancer when cancer has metastasized.

3)      Fatigue: - If you feel yourself extremely tired that is severe and lasts long can be an indication of cancer existing in your body.

4)      A Lump: - People who have cancer in breast, lymph nodes, soft tissues and testicles will notice a lump or thickening of skin at early or late stage. So don’t ignore if you find any kind of lump in your body that becomes thicker or larger with time.

5)      Changes in skin: - If your skin get turns into yellowish, dark or reddish then it can be a signal of cancer. You may also experience soreness that doesn’t heal. Skin cancer patients can have freckles, warts or moles and changes in their color, size or shape.

6)      Pain: - You can experience pain because of spreading of cancer in your body. It can be an early symptom of bone cancer, or testicle cancer. Back pain problem is often found in pancreatic cancer, ovarian cancer or colorectal cancer patients.

7)      Changes in Bowel/Bladder function: - Colorectal Cancer indicates human beings with the problem of diarrhea, constipation or other bowel issues whereas the problem of pain during urination, blood in urine or other bladder function changes can be the causes of bladder or prostate cancer. You must find out the Best Cancer Surgeon in Chandigarh, so that you may get the perfect and on-time treatment of your problem.

8)      Cough, Hoarseness, Indigestion: - If you are suffering from cough problem or hoarse voice from so long time and doesn’t go away even after medication then it can be a signal of lung cancer, thyroid cancer, or cancer of larynx. Stomach, throat or esophageal cancer can create problem in digestion or swallowing. 

9)      Bleeding: - Different types of cancer may lead of unusual bleeding. Some indications of unusual bleeding with types of cancer are mentioned below: -

Body Part                                                                            Type of Cancer

Coughing up                                                                       Lung cancer

Bloody stool                                                                       Colon or Rectal Cancer

Abnormal vaginal bleeding (women)                      Cervical or Endometrial Cancer

Blood in urine                                                                    Bladder or Kidney Cancer

Bloody discharge from nipple (women)                 Breast Cancer

10)   Changes in Mouth: - Oral Cancer’s first indication can be white patches in mouth or on tongue. Along with it, there can be bleeding, numbness, or sores in mouth.

11)   Swollen Lymph Nodes: - Swollen lymph nodes can be an indication of cancer so if your glands remain swollen for two to four weeks then you must seek a doctor advice.

12)   Difficulty in breathing: - Your body can give you a signal of certain cancers through constantly feeling out of breath so don’t ignore it and go to doctor without delaying.

13)   Bloating: - Ovarian cancer can indicate you by a constant uncomfortable feeling of fullness that may last daily for many weeks.

14)   Anemia: - If there are low red blood cells (called anemia) in your body then you will definitely feel tired and weak. Anemia can be the cause of several types of cancers such as Leukemia and Lymphoma.

It is not necessary that if you find any of the symptoms in you that can be cancer only, there can be minor problem also. But if it is confirmed that there is a problem of cancer then you must visit the best Surgeon in Chandigarh so that your disease may get treated at early stage and stop it from getting worse.


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